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Meet Jon and The Family

We can plan our lives as much as we want but there always seems to be a bigger plan for us whether we may know it or not.

Jon had plans to make his way up to California. With family in the San Diego area he was thinking his few years pit stop in Arizona would be just that, a few years. Jon got a job in HVAC design, with his mechanical engineering design degree and soon started making friends out here. After settling in, making friends, and getting comfortable out here in the valley of the sun Jon soon started to realize how much more affordable Arizona was in comparison to California. Arizona may not have the beaches but Jon knew he could take a quick road trip to a nice California beach in just a short 4-5 hour drive. Not only could a road trip be taken pretty easily down to Cali beaches, but Vegas is just a short drive away.

Jon and his wife Amanda met back in 2003 and immediately bonded over the fact that they both relocated to Arizona from the Midwest. Their hometowns were very similar, so they had some familiarity from the beginning. Since Jon and Amanda got married in 2006, they have built 2 businesses STRM and Moxie Girl and have had a son here. As much as they would love to live a little closer to their families, they have built their life out here and say they both prefer the Arizona lifestyle and the 300+ days of sun Arizona has to offer.